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On Sunday mornings we are a casual congregation,  so come as you are comfortable. Whether in shorts, jeans, dresses or ties, you are welcome.  You'll be greeted by warm, genuine people who welcome you wherever you are on your journey in life. From struggling with homelessness to leading your own company, you will be welcomed as a person and not by your situation. 



Our worship is at 9:30 a.m.  This is an "ancient - future" worship combining the best of traditional and contemporary services.  Along with ancient truths like the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles Creed and classic hymns.  We also incorporate contemporary music and a children's message each Sunday. 



Communion is celebrated weekly.  



Pastor Jeff will speak in today's language. You'll hear a faithful communication of the Bible, centered on Jesus Christ as Savior of the world and the leader of our lives. You will hear how faith and life connect.



Join us at the cafe before service from 9:00 -9:25 am and/or after the service until 11:15.  Coffee, tea, water, juice and hot chocolate will be served both times.  Donuts and kolaches will be served after service.




Coffee cafe

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